Monday, January 30, 2012

Juan Gatti: Vesalius Heritage

My dear friend Katherine, a lover and a maker of fine design, introduced me to artist and graphic designer Juan Gatti. With an intense and unwavering fascination of history of medicine and anatomy, of the intersection of the body as biological, procreative vehicle and a work of sculpture, of the topography of internal organ systems, of intricate organization from molecular to organism, an interest in these prints was intuitive and immediate. Since taking a course a number of years ago on early modern British literature and the scientific revolution, I have had a love for Vesalius and his iconic prints: large, god-like men, towering over minute villages, skin and layers of flesh peeled back to reveal the terrain of striated muscle fibers, woven roads of red blood arteries and veins. His vision and acute sense of detail is carried forward by these beautiful works by Gatti.

(image taken from Design Boom)


  1. This is very interesting- I hadn't heard about him either

  2. Ah! Knew you'd love these, they are so mesmerizing. Thanks for the call & note about Gracie, she's enjoying being spoiled since getting to come home on Saturday.

  3. Super interesting post - I hadn't heard of him before. Though I studied anatomy for scientific/health purposes in university I've always admired how artistically beautiful it can be. This is stunning, thank you for sharing!

    <3 Shawna
