Thursday, April 14, 2011

Twin Peaks: Audrey Horne

(image taken from Lux-Exterior)

The filmmaker and I have recently commenced, finally, watching Twin Peaks; somehow, shockingly, the both of us have managed to avoid the narrative arc, plot twist, and character development and relationship hints seeping from the collective public cultural consciousness, so we are completely in awe and enjoying the show with naive eyes. It is simultaneously bizarrely beautiful and hilarious, and I wish popular media trend and aesthetics, and audience interest, would oscillate back to the mood of the early 1990s, when such a show was so wildly popular.

Beyond the story, the camera angles, the lighting, and, of course, the ambient, melodic, jazz lounge soundtrack, I have become rather enamored with the costume styles, which exude a sort of timelessness, small town and adolescent archetypes. In particular, I am drawn to Audrey Horne and her clothing choices, at once child-like and seductive, featuring fitted sweaters, kitten heels, high-waisted pleated skirts, black and white saddle shoes, tight curls, and red lips. Her bob with a swooped up look, in a clean barrette, is sophisticated and sweet. As much as I would love to adopt this type of look, it might be a tad too Nabokov's Lolita, tortured and transient, a bit too bubblegum girl pop group.

(image taken from The 2 Hand)

(image taken from The World According to Art Deco Girl)

(image taken from Ripped Knees)

(image taken from Pop Shifter)


  1. i think that look only works one women of a certain stature. on tall gals like us it looks like a costume. just silly.
